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SelectM218TrueMost Americans say journalists should always strive to give every side equal coverage, but journalists themselves are more likely to say every side does not always deserve equal coverage ; #censorship; #freeSpeech; #media; #MSM; #politicalViews; #USAS1179S1179Schaeffer, Katherine2022Striking findings from 2022
SelectM217TrueHalf of U.S. adults disapprove of selective colleges considering race and ethnicity in admissions decisions, while a third approve #AffirmativeAction; #education; #politicalViews; #raceS1178S1178Schaeffer, Katherine2023Striking findings from 2023
SelectM216TrueAmerican's Self-Identification as LGBT has doubled over the last 10 years from 3.5% to 7.1%, according to Gallup #demographics; #gays; #homosexuals; #lesbiansS1168S1168Jones, Jeffrey2020LGBT Identification in U.S. Ticks Up to 7.1%
SelectM215TrueADHD diagnosis throughout the years: Estimates from published nationally representative survey data (Percent of children with a parent-reported ADHD diagnosis) Child ADHD diagnoses appear to be increasing over time, as a % #psychology; #USAS1160S1160Center for Disease Control and Prevention2022ADHD Throughout the Years
SelectM214TrueAcross a five-factor "moral foundations" model, Liberals tend to only care about Harm and Fairness (the individualizing foundations) and not care about Authority, Purity, or their In-group. Conservatives tend to value all these traits more evenly #leftism; #politicalViewsS1086S1086Graham, J., Haidt, J. & Nosek, B.2009Liberals and Conservatives Rely on Different Sets of Moral Foundations
SelectM213TrueAmericans self-identified sexual orientation and gender identity in the United States in 2021, by generation #demographics; #gays; #homosexuals; #lesbians; #USAS1153S1153Statista Research Department2022Americans self-identified sexual orientation and gender identity in the United States in 2021, by generation
SelectM212TrueShare of Americans who identify as LGBT from 2012 to 2020, by generation #demographics; #gays; #homosexuals; #lesbians; #USAS1154S1154Statista Research Department2022Share of Americans who identify as LGBT from 2012 to 2021, by generation
SelectM211TrueOf all groups, only blacks and liberals have a favorable opinion of the democratic party  #blacks; #economics; #gender; #Hispanics; #men; #politicalViews; #race; #SES; #USA; #whites; #WomenS1152S1151; S1152Audacious Epigone2021Nobody Likes the GOP
SelectM210TrueAll groups dislike the GOP, except self-identified "Conservatives" #blacks; #economics; #gender; #Hispanics; #men; #politicalViews; #race; #SES; #USA; #whites; #WomenS1152S1151; S1152Audacious Epigone2021Nobody Likes the GOP
SelectM209TrueJewish total fertility rate, by branch #demographics; #Jews; #race; #religionS1149S1148; S1149Audacious Epigone2021Jewishness Will Become Problematic
