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 SIDValid URL?No PaywallTitleAuthor(s)YearSource TypePublisherVolumePagesPeer ReviewSource Notes
SelectS1179TrueTrueStriking findings from 2022Schaeffer, Katherine2022SurveyPew Research Center  True 
SelectS1178TrueTrueStriking findings from 2023Schaeffer, Katherine2023SurveyPew Research Center  True 
SelectS1177TrueTrueMore than a dozen Jews, but no Sheldon Silver, among Trump’s last-minute pardonsSilow-Carroll, Andrew2021News ArticleTimes of Israel  True 
SelectS1176TrueTrueIntelligence of Refugees in Germany: Levels, Differences and Possible DeterminantsRindermann, H.; Klauk, B.; Thompson, J.2024Academic JournalJournal of Controversial Ideas4(2) 20 True 
SelectS1175TrueTrueWikipedia editors and politicsKirkegaard, Emil2024BlogSubstack.com  True 
SelectS1174TrueTrueLevels of Well-Being Among Men Who Are Incel (Involuntarily Celibate)Costello et al2022Academic JournalEvolutionary Psychological Science1 True 
SelectS1173TrueTrueModern Christianity As Self DeceptionLast, Sean2023BlogIdeas and Data (Substack)  True 
SelectS1172TrueTrueHow to explain high Jewish achievement: The role of intelligence and valuesLynn, Richard and Kanazawa, Satoshi2008Academic JournalPersonality and Individual Differences 801-808True 
SelectS1171TrueTrueThe Intelligence of American JewsLynn, Richard2004Academic JournalPersonality and Individual Differences 201-206True 
SelectS1170TrueTrueSexual orientation and suicidality: a co-twin control study in adult menHerrell et al1999Academic JournalArchives of General Psychiatry56(10)867-74True 